Select Preservation

Copia’s Select Preservation model portfolio is designed to provide a broadly diversified model portfolio able to deliver real returns, whilst limiting the impact of downside risk over a medium to long term timeframe. The model portfolio is constructed using a “blended” range of actively managed funds, ETFs and index funds.




Objective of wealth preservation


Deliver diversified total returns, whilst limiting the impact of downside risk


Strategic allocation to different investment approaches with a tactical overlay using the Copia Risk Barometer


Copia Screened ETFs, index funds and active funds


Defined to target a maximum drawdown




Copia’s Select Preservation portfolio aims to achieve your client objectives by dynamically allocating between four different investment approaches in different market conditions. A dynamically managed tactical asset allocation overlay, driven by a systematic risk barometer, has the potential to narrow the dispersion of returns.

This portfolio helps manage potential downside risk in turbulent markets, whilst maintaining the opportunity to achieve diversified real returns. The Select Preservation portfolio provides diversification across multiple asset classes, geographies and investment strategies.

Why choose Select PRESERVation?

The strategy behind Select Preservation dynamically allocates between four different investment approaches in different market conditions. This approach may be suitable for your clients who have a low Capacity for Loss and who are seeking to preserve capital in real terms over the medium-term.


Evaluating Portfolio Strategy & Outcomes

Risk-Return Targets

Return target

4.0% Gross (rolling 10 year)

Max drawdown target

-10.0% (rolling 1 year)

Cumulative Returns

Select Preservation - Outcome Cumulative Returns

Source: Copia Capital Management. Refinitv Datastream.
Note: Use of simulated data from 30-Sep-2005 to 31-Oct-2020. Live fund data used where available.

Outcomes vs targets

Source: Copia Capital Management. Refinitv Datastream. Note: Use of simulated data from 30-Sep-2005 to 31-Oct-2020. Live fund data used where available.

Consumer Duty Materials

The current Target Market and Value for Money statements for this portfolio can be downloaded by clicking on the links below.

For more information about the Copia Select Preservation range speak to one of our relationship managers by calling 020 4599 6475 or emailing us at [email protected]

Understanding the risks

This information is intended for professional financial advisers only. Copia does not provide financial advice. This information is not intended as financial advice and should not be interpreted as such. Model investment portfolios may not be suitable for everyone. The value of funds can increase and decrease, past performance and historical data cannot guarantee future success. Investors may get back less than they originally invested.

Copia Capital Management

Hamilton House, 1 Temple Avenue, London, EC4Y 0HA

Copia Capital Management is a trading name of Novia Financial Plc. Novia Financial Plc is a limited company registered in England & Wales. Register Number: 06467886. Registered office: Cambridge House, Henry St, Bath, Somerset BA1 1JS. Novia Financial Plc is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Register Number: 481600.

© 2021 - 2025 Copia Capital

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